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Selasa, 12 Maret 2013


(Ketua MGMP IPA SMP/MTs Kabupaten Barito Selatan)
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen pasal 10 ayat 1 menegaskan bahwa guru harus memiliki kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan profesi. Guru sebagai tenaga profesional memiliki tugas, fungsi dan kedudukan yang sangat sentral dan strategis dalam mewujudkan insan Indonesia yang cerdas, kompetitif, dan komprehensif. Pengembangan guru sebagai profesi memerlukan suatu sistem pembinaan dan pengembangan profesi guru secara terprogram dan berkesinambungan. Pembinaan guru sebagai profesi harus up to date, artinya memerlukan pengembangan karir yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan seiring perkembangan dan kemajuan jaman.

Senin, 04 Maret 2013


A.      Latar Belakang
Salah satu masalah aktual dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia dewasa ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru  agar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar  siswa secara optimal. Hasil pembelajaran dalam dunia  pendidikan di Indonesia di sinyalir masih belum menggembirakan. Kebanyakan siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengaplikasikan  pengetahuan dalam kehidupan nyata sehari-hari. Hal ini lebih disebabkan adanya kecenderungan pembelajaran dikelas yang kurang adanya upaya guru untuk mengaitkan  materi  pelajaran  dengan  kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam pembelajarannya guru lebih banyak memaparkan  fakta, pengetahuan dan hukum,  kemudian dihafalkan, bukan mengaitkannya dengan pengalaman empiris dalam kehidupan nyata.


Penulis: Samsul Hidayat, SP 

Buku Lembar Kerja Siswa untuk kelas VII  ditulis oleh Sarwono diterbitkan oleh Cempaka Putih tahun 2007 pernah dipakai sebagai salah satu buku penunjang dalam pembelajaran IPA di SMP Negeri 3 Dusun Selatan. Terdapat beberapa kelemahan karena isinya tidak didukung oleh keadaan di SMPN 3 Dusun Selatan, tingkat kemampuan ekonomi orang tua siswa, dan peralatan yang ada di laboratorium IPA, sehingga pemakaian buku LKS tersebut dihentikan.
Berikut ini beberapa pengertian LKS  diambil penulisdariberbagaisumber,yaitu“a sheet of paper containing exercises to be completed by a pupil or student” lembaran kertas 

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


You predicted, I think two years ago, that human cloning would be here with us, within two years.
I don't think I said that ... I predicted that human cloning would be with us in 10 years and I still believe that is the case, because there is a demand among a small number of people for this technology to have babies. It's being driven by the marketplace. I think that, ethically, one should not use this technology until they are convinced that it is safe and efficient, shown with the use of animals. But I don't think that physicians around the world are going to wait for the confirmation that it's safe and efficient in animals.
The best example I can give you why physicians are not going to wait as they should is with ICSI, an intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This was a new technology developed in the early 1990s to overcome severe infertility and physicians did not wait to prove that it wasn't going to cause birth defects before they embraced it wholly across the country. We can use that history to understand how cloning is going to go. I'm not advocating the use of cloning in this way. I think it is wrong, but it's going to happen.
Can you explain simply what cloning is, because [some] people think that it's the creation of an adult copy.
When biologists use the term cloning, they mean something very different than what the public views cloning as. In the case of Dolly, what happened is the genetic material was taken from an adult cell and that genetic material was placed into an egg whose own genetic material had been removed. Under the right conditions, that egg with a complete set of genes, with a complete genomic material, could develop into an embryo. It would divide into multiple cells and that embryo could be placed back into a uterus to develop into a fetus and ultimately into a baby.
What would happen in those relationships?
Well, in purely genetic terms, if a woman used this procedure to have a baby, the child, the daughter would actually be the genetic sister of the mother. But I don't think that the mother would treat the child as a sister. The social situation would make the mother treat the child as a daughter ... we already have confused examples of heritage right now. If a person's father has an identical twin brother, then that person's uncle is also their genetic father in purely genetic terms. So we don't look at things in purely genetic terms. We look at things most often in social terms.
We have these confused identities and new forms of family, but we don't deliberately create them very often. In this instance, we are creating them and we are creating them within a private, market-driven industry.
When it comes to cloning, people are over emphasizing the genes ... the genes are being blown out of proportion. The reason is because every day somewhere in the world there are children born who look just like one parent and who grow up and behave just like one parent.
A clone will be no different than children who are already born today. It will pretty much look like one parent and it will have many of the same behavior predispositions as the one parent. But that already happens, so nobody is going got be able to distinguish a cloned child from a child who happens to look and behave like one parent.
Do you think that the people who are proponents of using this new technology, that see some real excitement in it, and see some possibilities in it, will actually develop a new language for it?
... ultimately, when children are born with the use of this technology they will not be called clones. There is a technology that scientists developed called nuclear magnetic resonance. When this was used in medical scenarios, people were resistant to it, because the word "nuclear" was there. So we changed the name of the technology to MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] and now everybody accepts it. The same thing is going to be happening with the so called cloning technology. It's going to be called single parent children or some other innocuous phrase that is going to be used.
Can you tell me where this new technology will emerge from?
Cloning is certainly going to emerge from the fertility clinics that exist in this country and elsewhere around the world, because it's only in the fertility clinics where the technology exists from taking eggs out of a woman's ovary, developing the eggs in a petri dish and putting the embryos back into a woman's uterus. That is done at fertility clinics. It is not done at biotech companies or anywhere else. So when cloning happens it's definitely going to happen within the context of a fertility clinic.
So even if 99% of them say no, all it takes is one clinic somewhere to not talk about it and just to use the technology to give rise to children who are going to be genetically identical to one parent.
Do you think that there is something coy or slightly political about them saying no?
Oh, it's absolutely political. Fertility treatments are highly controversial in this country. One of the things that president Harold Shapiro, president of this university, and who is also the head of the national bioethics advisory commission, told me is that when they had hearings on human cloning in the United States about a year or two ago, he invited a whole series of fertility doctors to come testify, and they all refused. They are a profit making business. They're in the business of trying to help infertile couples have babies, and they have no reason to publicize themselves.
You know what the critics say about children as commodities, as products, as designer babies. What do you say to this ...
I don't think that these people who claim that we are commodifying babies have ever actually talked to any couple who has had a child by one of these assisted reproductive technologies. The vast majority of these couples desperately want to have children and they treat their children as children.
This word cloning, indeed, the practice as you see it on the horizon, does not greatly dismay you?
I am not dismayed by cloning, because I don't think that it's going to be used in all of the outrageous kinds of ways that people have thought up, like the egomaniac, for example, that wants to have a replica of him. Cloning does not achieve immortality. What the ego maniac will end up with is a baby that will kind of looked like he looked like a baby that will grow up into a boy that won't listen to him. So he's not going to get what he expected. He's not going to achieve immortality. He's just going to have a son. He's not going to be able to control the life of that son. When people understand the little that cloning does, most of these kinds of people will lose interest in the technology. It's not going to accomplish what they think it's going to accomplish.
So you may ask me, "Then why would anybody use it if you're not going to be able to guarantee the child is going to turn out in a particular way?" My answer is that the only people who will end up really using this are people who can't have biological children another way and are going to be using this to have biologically children, because what most normal people want is unpredictable biological children. They want this genetic link to their children. And if that's why they're doing it, not expecting anything except to have a child that may not listen to them, that I don't have a problem with that use of the technology.
You have raised the issue before about creating Madonnas, Michael Jordans and the critics say that is indeed what will happen. At first, one can dismiss that argument very quickly. But when you see how market driven this culture is, how many groupies swarm around people like Madonna, clasping at her clothes, at her hair ... it gives you pause, really...
Well, the question I have for people who worry about this star being cloned is to say to them, how often do you think a movie star has donated their sperm or eggs to a sperm bank today? I think the answer is none of them have put their sperm into a sperm bank. They're not interested in getting the $70 back to put their sperm or to donate their eggs, which is a serious protocol, into a bank ...
One of the issues that I raise in my book is that it might be done surreptitiously. That somebody will come up and take a scraping from Michael Jordan's skin and use that scraping to have a clone. I don't know how realistic that is. But I don't think it's very realistic, because the child that comes out of that cell, even though that child will be genetically identical to Michael Jordan, I can guarantee you that there is no way that child will ever make it into the NBA. Because Michael Jordan is more than his genes. Michael Jordan worked very, very hard and it was this hard work and this spirit that allowed him to reach the point that he reached. People forget that genes provide a framework and the potential, but unless you work very, very hard you're not going to get anywhere without it.
Can you describe where this technology could go that concerns you?
The most disturbing part of this technology is not the cloning, where you just have a child born who happens to be related to one parent instead of two. The most disturbing part of this technology is when parents are going to try to use genes to provide their children with serious advantages.
Now the problem is that all parents want to give their children advantages. In the United States, we have a market-based mentality, where we say that parents who have money can give their children more advantages than parents who don't have money. We all accept that. I think parents are going to keep going back to the genes and say, "I want to give my child every possible genetic advantage in the book."
That is troubling to me, for two reasons. One is that some of these genes really will provide advantages. Advantages of longevity, decreased risks of cancer and stroke and dementia, and so these children really will have health advantages, which means that the parents who are unable to afford this technology will have children who are disadvantaged. So I see this as greatly exacerbating the gap between have's and have-not's--much, much greater than it is today. That concerns me.
The other thing that concerns me is that parents will be giving their children genetic enhancements that they think are going to increase the behavioral, cognitive or talents of their children. And many times, they're going to be disappointed. It doesn't mean to say that the genes won't increase the probability that their child will have a particular talent, once we understand how genes affect talents, we don't yet. But I think that parents may be getting into this not realizing that all they're doing is increasing probabilities. You're not going to guarantee anything. So you worry about how parents are going to feel about children who don't express the genes that they got.

Keseimbangan Benda Tegar : Titik Berat

Telah dikatakan sebelumnya bahwa suatu benda tegar dapat mengalami gerak translasi (gerak lurus) dan gerak rotasi. Benda tegar akan melakukan gerak translasi apabila gaya yang diberikan pada benda tepat mengenai suatu titik yang yang disebut titik berat.
Benda akan seimbang jika pas diletakkan di titik beratnya
Benda akan seimbang jika pas diletakkan di titik beratnya
Titik berat merupakan titik dimana benda akan berada dalam keseimbangan rotasi (tidak mengalami rotasi). Pada saat benda tegar mengalami gerak translasi dan rotasi sekaligus, maka pada saat itu titik berat akan bertindak sebagai sumbu rotasi dan lintasan gerak dari titik berat ini menggambarkan lintasan gerak translasinya.
Mari kita tinjau suatu benda tegar, misalnya tongkat pemukul kasti, kemudian kita lempar sambil sedikit berputar. Kalau kita perhatikan secara aeksama, gerakan tongkat pemukul tadi dapat kita gambarkan seperti membentuk suatu lintasan dari gerak translasi yang sedang dijalani dimana pada kasus ini lintasannya berbentuk parabola. Tongkat ini memang berputar pada porosnya, yaitu tepat di titik beratnya. Dan, secara keseluruhan benda bergerak dalam lintasan parabola. Lintasan ini merupakan lintasan dari posisi titik berat benda tersebut.
Demikian halnya seorang peloncat indah yang sedang terjun ke kolam renang. Dia melakukan gerak berputar saat terjun. sebagaimana tongkat pada contoh di atas, peloncat indah itu juga menjalani gerak parabola yang bisa dilihat dari lintasan titik beratnya. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini.
seorang yang meloncat ke air dengan berputar
seorang yang meloncat ke air dengan berputar
Jadi, lintasan gerak translasi dari benda tegar dapat ditinjau sebagai lintasan dari letak titik berat benda tersebut. Dari peristiwa ini tampak bahwa peranan titik berat begitu penting dalam menggambarkan gerak benda tegar.
Cara untuk mengetahui letak titik berat suatu benda tegar akan menjadi mudah untuk benda-benda yang memiliki simetri tertentu, misalnya segitiga, kubus, balok, bujur sangkar, bola dan lain-lain. Yaitu d sama dengan letak sumbu simetrinya. Hal ini jelas terlihat pada contoh diatas bahwa letak titik berat sama dengan sumbu rotasi yang tidak lain adalah sumbu simetrinya.
Orang ini berada dalam keseimbangan
Orang ini berada dalam keseimbangan
Di sisi lain untuk benda-benda yang mempunyai bentuk sembarang letak titik berat dicari dengan perhitungan. Perhitungan didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa kita dapat mengambil beberapa titik dari benda yang ingin dihitung titik beratnya dikalikan dengan berat di masing-masing titik kemudian dijumlahkan dan dibagi dengan jumlah berat pada tiap-tiap titik. dikatakan titik berat juga merupakan pusat massa di dekat permukaan bumi, namun untuk tempat yang ketinggiannya tertentu di atas bumi titik berat dan pusat massa harus dibedakan.